Sustainability at
Realizing the new potential of 「SHIP」s.
In our pursuit of new potential of the ships, which are the very core of a shipping business,
we have established a mission for ourselves using four keywords each starting with one letter from the word “SHIP” as we work towards the realization of a better society every day.
SustainableSupport a sustainable society through shipping.

- Optimizing the speed of both ships and ship routes
- Visualization of CO2 emissions
- Safe operation initiatives
- Compliance with international regulations (Port State Control)
Optimizing the speed of both ships and ship routes
Ship schedules can be affected by a wide variety of external factors, including port congestion conditions, poor weather, and more.
We have implemented a range of measures in order to minimize ship delays as much as possible while still incorporating consideration for the environment in our operation.
- Optimization of ship routes utilizing hydrographic condition data
- Ship speed control based on arrival times (Eco Speed Operation)
- Training, etc. which includes on-shore operators as well as ship crew

HarmonizedImprove environmental performance and aim for harmony and balance between profits and environmental conservation.
- Strengthening initiatives aimed at creating next-generation, environmentally friendly ships through collaboration with TSUNEISHI SHIPBUILDING Co., Ltd.
- Reducing environmental burden through the use of local ports
Strengthening initiatives aimed at creating next-generation, environmentally friendly ships through collaboration with TSUNEISHI SHIPBUILDING Co., Ltd.
KAMBARA KISEN Co., Ltd. is collaborating with fellow Tsuneishi Group company TSUNEISHI SHIPBUILDING Co., Ltd. to strengthen initiatives aimed at creating next-generation, environmentally friendly ships in order to decarbonize.
Our company is also contributing to the reduction of environmental burden through a variety of approaches than just ship performance including improving the fuels used, technological features, and more.

IntegrativeIntegrate diverse viewpoint to create customer value.
- Creating pleasant work environments and reviewing personnel systems
- Interdepartmental project teams
- Thorough and consistent implementation of safe navigation and safe transport fundamentals
- Implementation of departmental study sessions and external training courses in order to improve a wide range of marine business knowledge and capabilities
Creating pleasant work environments and reviewing personnel systems
We have introduced a work from home system, hourly vacation time system, staggered working hour system, and personnel systems which account for work-life balance in order to build work environments where diverse human resources can work in comfort and peace of mind.

Interdepartmental project teams
In order to realize dominant strategies, we have established cross-departmental project teams whose members focus on examination of various policies for implementation company-wide.

ProactiveProactively move forward without fear of failure.
- Creation of new routes and services
- Promotion of RPA (robotic process automation) and DX (digital transformation)
- Diversification of ship types
- Paper-less and hanko seal-less
- Implementing concrete measures for climate change and contributing to sustainability improvements
Creation of new routes and services
We work to expand new business possibilities by skillfully combining business activities with social issue solutions without being confined by existing businesses and services.

Promotion of RPA (robotic process automation) and DX (digital transformation)
Promotion of RPA and DX minimizes the time required for simple tasks. This in turn results in cost reductions, improved work efficiency, and increased productivity which all further increase corporate value.